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Reading and trying not to scare the children

Callen Kropp

This Saturday, Dec. 9 at 10:30 AM, Illustrator Emily Hagen and I will be signing books at The Story Nook (next to Babb’s Coffee) in Jamestown. We’ll be reading the last of the four Ozzy Ox books I have written so far—Ozzy Ox Stands Against Socks. Our competition is going to be powerful: Santa himself!

I just love Illustrator Emily’s reaction when I asked her whether she thought we should commit to book signing at the same time as Santa will be in the house. She said, “Oh, that’ll be the best time! Who’s not happy where Santa is concerned?” That’s the spirit, Emily. You can tell she’s an upbeat creative who will shine in the frenzy! As far as the question: “Who isn’t happy where Santa is concerned?” I think we all have memories of someone being PARALYZED with fear with Santa in the house. Here’s our grandkids (now almost all teens) shining right up to Jolly Old Saint Nick.

Do you have a similar picture or memories like these? I just want to cry thinking of them! But I think they go with the territory. Which is why there is hope for me this Saturday. Alongside a portly, bearded, white-haired chap who wants you to share his lap, I just might seem a little tiny bit less annoying to a child.

I’m not counting on it though—so I’m bringing Ozzy Ox bookmarks and coloring pages to hand out. Emily is bringing her beautiful illustrations to show. Hopefully they won't have to become a refuge from the terror of Santa. But they sure won't hurt!

Hope to see you Saturday--and if you are in Mandan this Thursday, Dec. 7, check us out at 4:30 PM at Mandan Public Library. Reading Ozzy Ox, and trying not to scare the children!


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