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Happy Isaac Houdini Day!

Callen Kropp

I want to dress as an ox for Halloween.  Most people say I wouldn’t have to do anything different! I'm not so sure that’s a compliment -- the phrase, “clumsy as an ox” comes to mind.  And ok, fine: guilty as charged. But oxen are also known for stubbornness (guilty as charged again!), and that trait weighed into my creation of Ozzy Ox.  In each of my four books, he exhibits a streak of obstinance.  But don’t all people —human or not—bring a bullheaded version of themselves to the surface at one time or another? In Ozzy Ox Stands Against Socks, Ozzy shows how effectively his stubborn streak persists.  He adamantly refuses to wear socks —- and MomOx refuses to allow him to go outside in subarctic weather without them.  Sound familiar? I’d guess that every family has had a similar standoff or two in its past. “Socks” is the first Ozzy Ox book I wrote.  It is based on a real life kid: our grandson, who was a regular Houdini when he was a tot.  No matter who placed him in his carseat or how many layers (pants, snow pants, shirt, sweater, jacket, socks and boots) he had on — or how cold it was, Isaac would arrive at the destination sitting defiantly, stripped to his diaper.  Still buckled in his carseat! 

We never did figure out how he did that!  But Isaac is still that wiry today, and, if I may boast, still a little magical.  I remember his escape artistry like it was yesterday.  How can it be our little escape artist is turning 21 today?  He never did suffer from frostbite, and has a full set of fingers and toes.  Happy Birthday, Isaac!  In honor of your past, I think a revisit back to your Houdini days would be the perfect 21st Halloween for you!


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