First book signing--thank you Story Nook!
With a whole lot of gratitude and humility, I experienced something entirely new to me last week. I signed books! I couldn’t have had a better place to have my first book signing (thank you, Jamestown’s The Story Nook!), and I couldn’t have had better people there to support me. Thank you to ALL who came out with their kids, brought their families, brought in their books to be signed, and most of all, thanks to the kids who sat there so intently listening to my nasal tone as I read the first book in the Ozzy Ox series, Ozzy Ox, Candy Stash. (See photos and video here!)

While I read, Illustrator Emily Hagen showed off her originals, the beautiful illustrations that grace the book. I was so grateful Emily joined me in this book signing—she and her husband Brian are wonderful people and I am so glad we’ve gotten a chance to know them! I’m also grateful to a couple other “Emilys” present that day. “My” Emily Krapp was there with our Leo and Eddie. And the little girl that was born the same week as Ozzy Ox Candy Stash was released was also there!
The third Emily—Steele, along with her husband, Brandon Steele, own The Story Nook. I have no qualms in saying it’s likely the best kids’ book store in North Dakota. The space is attractively arranged and the books are displayed beautifully. And that setting is where Storytime for kids is held EVERY Saturday at 10:30 AM.
It’s also the space where all kinds of books and stories are celebrated. Books about the farm brought real, live farm animals INTO the store, for example. In between these book celebrations —Unicorn Day, Dinosaur Day, Frozen Day, etc, The Story Nook holds painting and craft classes, “theme” days and so MANY fun events.
I don’t know if Jamestown knows the treasure they have in someone as entrepreneurial and creative as Emily Steele. I know I sure do! Thank you, Emily and Brandon and The Story Nook!